Recalibration Services
Recalibration/Recertification Service
In addition to the inspection of newly-made standards and test blocks, PH Tool also offers recalibration/recertification services. This service is offered on products manufactured by us, as well as by other manufacturers. Typical items that we recertify are: EDM notch standards, ultrasonic test blocks such as IIW and step blocks, and ASTM flat bottom hole reference block sets made to ASTM E127 and E428. Standards of unknown origin or with missing documentation may be able to be recertified, saving the expense of replacement. PH Tool offers a convenient recalibration reminder service on blocks to be recertified on a regular calibration frequency.
How often should I have my Ultrasonic Test Blocks recertified?
This question is becoming more and more common. Ten years ago, customers rarely sent UT blocks back to the manufacturer for recertification. Now, many do. We estimate that at this time, 15-20% of buyers send their blocks back to us to recertify. It may be that auditing or certifying agencies are beginning to look at test blocks as Measuring & Test Equipment (M&TE) and require that they be verified as time passes. We have seen situations where blocks that have been used extensively begin to exhibit dimensional changes. We have even observed blocks that are worn to the point that they no longer meet the intended specifications. Conversely, some blocks still look absolutely new after 10 years. Clearly, block condition, and the need to recertify, is influenced by the amount of use/abuse to which the block has been subjected.
PH Tool does not impose any calibration frequency on its blocks. We know they are perfect when they leave here, and we trust our customers to decide what makes sense for them. If you are considering having us recertify your test blocks, our suggestion is a 24 month calibration frequency. Some of our customers do this as frequently as every 12 months. It is really up to you to decide, based on your evaluation of the blocks and their use, and your internal Quality Assurance program.
When compared to new Certification Reports, Recertification reports are modified to include the original manufacture date, the recalibration date, the calibration frequency, and the next recalibration due date. In addition, much more dimensional data is provided on a recertification report compared to a new block cert, as every feature of the block is reported. We are happy to recertify PH Tool manufactured blocks as well as those made by others. Should you want to order new blocks with full dimensional certs upfront, let us know that when your order is placed. The cost of this service is discounted significantly at the time of new order placement. Contact us for recertification pricing and with any questions you may still have about this service.